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Seven Things A Christian Must Never Do Because Of Money
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Seven Things A Christian Must Never Do Because Of Money
Written by Tunde Korede
People do despicable, ungodly, diabolical and
dubious things in order to acquire money.
Civilization has brought unrest and impatience
as regards acquisition of wealth.
We are in a system that is driven by money.
Also, the youths are money-driven. That is why
people (including believers) are susceptible to
various dubious means of acquiring wealth.
More so, hardly can people wait upon the Lord
to give them power to get wealth. The youths
of today want to drive exotic cars and own a
private jet without any labour.
Also, they have downplayed the role of
education in building a sustainable wealth. That
is why there are so many dropouts on the
street today, hoping to become billionaires
Hence, they have resorted to series of
questionable means of getting riches in a
twinkling of an eye. This article addresses basic
things you should not do in order to get wealth.
Five Reasons Why People Reject You
Seven Things You Must Never Do Because
Of Money.
• Never Harm Others
Beware of the money you will get that will
leave others in pain. Getting riches at the
expense of people’s joy is absolutely barbaric
and inhumane.
Matthew 26:14-15
[14]Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot,
went unto the chief priests,
[15]And said unto them, WHAT WILL YE GIVE
they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of
Judas was less concerned about what he would
do in order to get thirty pieces of sliver. Indeed,
he was mostly concerned about money. He did
not care about who he was going to harm
before he could get that money.
This was what Judas Iscariot did that cut short
his life. He would have had the privilege to
partake in the ministry after Jesus left. But his
undeniable love for money drove him into
Dear friend, don’t be like Judas. Make sure the
money you are acquiring is not the one you get
while you leave the giver in sadness.
Again, never collect money to do a destructive,
malicious and detrimental job. Do not do a work
that will tarnish the reputation of others.
Put people in mind as you go about acquiring
wealth. Let humanity be first in your heart and
let money be secondary.
Deceit: How To know when Someone Is
Deceiving You
• Do Not Betray Your Friends
Matthew 26:48-50
[48]Now he that BETRAYED HIM gave them a
sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same
is he: hold him fast.
[49]And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said,
Hail, master; and kissed him.
[50]And Jesus said unto him, FRIEND,
and laid hands on Jesus, and took him.
Amazingly, Jesus called Judas a friend when he
came to arrest Him. In other words, Judas was
not a stranger to Jesus.
As a matter of fact, Judas was his treasurer. Yet,
he went ahead to betray his friend. How
Who is your friend? Anybody who is close to
you is your friend. It could be your neighbor,
aunt, mother, uncle, father or classmate. Never
betray the love they have in you because of
I know they have kept some money in your
hand. Please, don’t disappoint the person who
have trusted you to that extent. Don’t squander
his money. Don’t run away from him/her.
Listen, never take your friend’s wife because
you are now wealthy. Never betray your
husband. Stay faithful.
If you betray anyone because of money. You
will regret at the end. It pays to be faithful.
Don’t allow money to make you do unlawful
How To Know You Are In A Wrong Relationship
• Dupe Nobody
Read this scripture;
Jeremiah 17:11
[11]As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth
them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by
right, shall leave them in the midst of his days,
and at his end shall be a fool.
Sadly, many people have turned to cyber
criminals because of their love for money. These
people have devised different strategies to
successfully dupe innocent people online.
Besides, dupes cheat people by coming up with
unrealistic lies. The truth is, any wealth made
through deception, and lies will never endure
the test of time. It vanishes easily.
Internet fraudsters should desist from their
cunning lifestyle and stop duping people. Refuse
to dupe people. Stop giving senseless excuses
for being a cheat. You are not the only one the
government is not favouring.
Yet, there are other unemployed graduates out
there, who are not scamming people to acquire
wealth. Learn to be patient.
Scripturally, you will leave the riches you get in
a dishonest way in the midst of your days. And
that implies sudden death. Avoid this method.
Don’t dupe people because of money.
Pride: Seven Ways To Know If You Are Proud
• Say No To Impersonation
To impersonate is to pretend to be someone
else which you are not. Impersonation is the act
of assuming the identity of another person.
Matthew 24:5
[5]For many shall come in my name, SAYING, I
AM CHRIST,and shall deceive many.
Like Jesus said, some people would impersonate
Him. Although, they are not the ‘Christ’, yet they
would say they are the one. This is pure
Today, you see parody and fake accounts of
several celebrities online. Those accounts were
created by cyber criminals who want to exploit
the fans of those celebrities. That’s a typical
example of impersonation.
It is unethically becoming prevalent these days
for people to impersonate famous people
because of money.
If you are into this, please, quit. It is not the
biblical way of acquiring wealth. This kind of
wealth will be a thorn in the flesh of it acquirer.
Secrets: Four Types Of People You Should Not
Tell Your Secrets
• Money Ritual
In some African countries, some youths get
wealth diabolically. They consult an herbalist
who performs rituals that produce hot and
sudden money for them.
These days, famous worldly artistes have
reportedly been involved in money rituals to
sponsor their dying career.
Should A Christian Try To Be Rich
Nevertheless, you should never do this because
of wealth. Why?
Deuteronomy 8:18 has the answer;
[18]But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God:
WEALTH, that he may establish his covenant
which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this
Truly, it is the Lord who gives His people power
to be wealthy. No devil or god can give you
true riches. The devil also gives wealth but it is
temporary and life-threatening.
But God’s wealth produces joy and enduring
• Never Pervert Judgment
Proverbs 17:23
[23]A wicked man taketh a gift out of the
bosom to pervert the ways of judgment.
Money perverts judgement, especially bribes.
Whoever gives you money as a teacher so that
his child can pass is your enemy of long life.
Dear lawyer, don’t receive bribes that will make
you pervert judgement. Dear pastor, do not
allow money to block your vision.
Make sure you are not taking a wrong decision
against your fellow because of money. Do not
be led by money because money has a voice.
Allow only the Spirit of the Lord to lead you.
10 Things Money Can Never Buy
• Never Marry Someone Because Of Money
Interestingly, I have heard of a sister who
married a brother because the man was
wealthy. At the end, the man turned her to a
punching bag.
When it comes to marriage, decisions must be
taken as directed but the Holy Spirit. You are
not to take fleshy decisions.
You will definitely leave a man you marry
because of riches when money is no more.
Although, Nabal was wealthy but he was mean
and ungodly. Abigeal married a wealthy man
but both of them didn’t enjoy their marriage.
1 Samuel 25:3
[3]Now the name of the man was Nabal; and
the name of his wife Abigail: and she was a
woman of good understanding, and of a
beautiful countenance: but the man was churlish
and evil in his doings; and he was of the house
of Caleb.
In like manner, if you marry a man because he
is wealthy. It does not guarantee a blissful
marriage. Money is not all you need to sustain
your marriage. Money is needed, but don’t let
that be a principal bait for your marriage.
Three Types Of People God Can Use Mightily
• Betraying others to acquire money is another
means of acquiring blood money. Blood money
is the wealth you get while committing
• Harming others to enrich yourself is as bad as
killing yourself. It is inhumane to be wealthy
while you put lives in danger and absolute
• A Christian should not dupe people in order to
be wealthy. It is sacrosanct for you to avoid any
money rituals. Don’t pervert judgment and don’t
get married because of money.
Stay blessed!
Let me know your thought on this article. Thank
you as you drop your comments.
People do despicable, ungodly, diabolical and
dubious things in order to acquire money.
Civilization has brought unrest and impatience
as regards acquisition of wealth.
We are in a system that is driven by money.
Also, the youths are money-driven. That is why
people (including believers) are susceptible to
various dubious means of acquiring wealth.
More so, hardly can people wait upon the Lord
to give them power to get wealth. The youths
of today want to drive exotic cars and own a
private jet without any labour.
Also, they have downplayed the role of
education in building a sustainable wealth. That
is why there are so many dropouts on the
street today, hoping to become billionaires
Hence, they have resorted to series of
questionable means of getting riches in a
twinkling of an eye. This article addresses basic
things you should not do in order to get wealth.
Five Reasons Why People Reject You
Seven Things You Must Never Do Because
Of Money.
• Never Harm Others
Beware of the money you will get that will
leave others in pain. Getting riches at the
expense of people’s joy is absolutely barbaric
and inhumane.
Matthew 26:14-15
[14]Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot,
went unto the chief priests,
[15]And said unto them, WHAT WILL YE GIVE
they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of
Judas was less concerned about what he would
do in order to get thirty pieces of sliver. Indeed,
he was mostly concerned about money. He did
not care about who he was going to harm
before he could get that money.
This was what Judas Iscariot did that cut short
his life. He would have had the privilege to
partake in the ministry after Jesus left. But his
undeniable love for money drove him into
Dear friend, don’t be like Judas. Make sure the
money you are acquiring is not the one you get
while you leave the giver in sadness.
Again, never collect money to do a destructive,
malicious and detrimental job. Do not do a work
that will tarnish the reputation of others.
Put people in mind as you go about acquiring
wealth. Let humanity be first in your heart and
let money be secondary.
Deceit: How To know when Someone Is
Deceiving You
• Do Not Betray Your Friends
Matthew 26:48-50
[48]Now he that BETRAYED HIM gave them a
sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same
is he: hold him fast.
[49]And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said,
Hail, master; and kissed him.
[50]And Jesus said unto him, FRIEND,
and laid hands on Jesus, and took him.
Amazingly, Jesus called Judas a friend when he
came to arrest Him. In other words, Judas was
not a stranger to Jesus.
As a matter of fact, Judas was his treasurer. Yet,
he went ahead to betray his friend. How
Who is your friend? Anybody who is close to
you is your friend. It could be your neighbor,
aunt, mother, uncle, father or classmate. Never
betray the love they have in you because of
I know they have kept some money in your
hand. Please, don’t disappoint the person who
have trusted you to that extent. Don’t squander
his money. Don’t run away from him/her.
Listen, never take your friend’s wife because
you are now wealthy. Never betray your
husband. Stay faithful.
If you betray anyone because of money. You
will regret at the end. It pays to be faithful.
Don’t allow money to make you do unlawful
How To Know You Are In A Wrong Relationship
• Dupe Nobody
Read this scripture;
Jeremiah 17:11
[11]As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth
them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by
right, shall leave them in the midst of his days,
and at his end shall be a fool.
Sadly, many people have turned to cyber
criminals because of their love for money. These
people have devised different strategies to
successfully dupe innocent people online.
Besides, dupes cheat people by coming up with
unrealistic lies. The truth is, any wealth made
through deception, and lies will never endure
the test of time. It vanishes easily.
Internet fraudsters should desist from their
cunning lifestyle and stop duping people. Refuse
to dupe people. Stop giving senseless excuses
for being a cheat. You are not the only one the
government is not favouring.
Yet, there are other unemployed graduates out
there, who are not scamming people to acquire
wealth. Learn to be patient.
Scripturally, you will leave the riches you get in
a dishonest way in the midst of your days. And
that implies sudden death. Avoid this method.
Don’t dupe people because of money.
Pride: Seven Ways To Know If You Are Proud
• Say No To Impersonation
To impersonate is to pretend to be someone
else which you are not. Impersonation is the act
of assuming the identity of another person.
Matthew 24:5
[5]For many shall come in my name, SAYING, I
AM CHRIST,and shall deceive many.
Like Jesus said, some people would impersonate
Him. Although, they are not the ‘Christ’, yet they
would say they are the one. This is pure
Today, you see parody and fake accounts of
several celebrities online. Those accounts were
created by cyber criminals who want to exploit
the fans of those celebrities. That’s a typical
example of impersonation.
It is unethically becoming prevalent these days
for people to impersonate famous people
because of money.
If you are into this, please, quit. It is not the
biblical way of acquiring wealth. This kind of
wealth will be a thorn in the flesh of it acquirer.
Secrets: Four Types Of People You Should Not
Tell Your Secrets
• Money Ritual
In some African countries, some youths get
wealth diabolically. They consult an herbalist
who performs rituals that produce hot and
sudden money for them.
These days, famous worldly artistes have
reportedly been involved in money rituals to
sponsor their dying career.
Should A Christian Try To Be Rich
Nevertheless, you should never do this because
of wealth. Why?
Deuteronomy 8:18 has the answer;
[18]But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God:
WEALTH, that he may establish his covenant
which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this
Truly, it is the Lord who gives His people power
to be wealthy. No devil or god can give you
true riches. The devil also gives wealth but it is
temporary and life-threatening.
But God’s wealth produces joy and enduring
• Never Pervert Judgment
Proverbs 17:23
[23]A wicked man taketh a gift out of the
bosom to pervert the ways of judgment.
Money perverts judgement, especially bribes.
Whoever gives you money as a teacher so that
his child can pass is your enemy of long life.
Dear lawyer, don’t receive bribes that will make
you pervert judgement. Dear pastor, do not
allow money to block your vision.
Make sure you are not taking a wrong decision
against your fellow because of money. Do not
be led by money because money has a voice.
Allow only the Spirit of the Lord to lead you.
10 Things Money Can Never Buy
• Never Marry Someone Because Of Money
Interestingly, I have heard of a sister who
married a brother because the man was
wealthy. At the end, the man turned her to a
punching bag.
When it comes to marriage, decisions must be
taken as directed but the Holy Spirit. You are
not to take fleshy decisions.
You will definitely leave a man you marry
because of riches when money is no more.
Although, Nabal was wealthy but he was mean
and ungodly. Abigeal married a wealthy man
but both of them didn’t enjoy their marriage.
1 Samuel 25:3
[3]Now the name of the man was Nabal; and
the name of his wife Abigail: and she was a
woman of good understanding, and of a
beautiful countenance: but the man was churlish
and evil in his doings; and he was of the house
of Caleb.
In like manner, if you marry a man because he
is wealthy. It does not guarantee a blissful
marriage. Money is not all you need to sustain
your marriage. Money is needed, but don’t let
that be a principal bait for your marriage.
Three Types Of People God Can Use Mightily
• Betraying others to acquire money is another
means of acquiring blood money. Blood money
is the wealth you get while committing
• Harming others to enrich yourself is as bad as
killing yourself. It is inhumane to be wealthy
while you put lives in danger and absolute
• A Christian should not dupe people in order to
be wealthy. It is sacrosanct for you to avoid any
money rituals. Don’t pervert judgment and don’t
get married because of money.
Stay blessed!
Let me know your thought on this article. Thank
you as you drop your comments.
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